Ubuntu 23.10 on AWS: Secure Ubuntu AMI from Ubuntu Cloud Image
Canonical's team has released their new officially Ubuntu 23.10 (Muntic Minotour) Daily Build. However, one of the biggest problems is that you cannot run this operating system on the cloud. You can run this configuration on a computer as a virtual machine. Don't worry if you are using the CIWS (Amaron Web Service), then you can easily create an Ubuntu 23.10 on AWS.
Ubuntu 23.10 on AWS
Amazon Web Service is a cloud server provider where you can make Windows server and Linux server to host your website and application access server. On aws, you can get a premium macOS operating system. Now, let's discuss how to make an Ubuntu 23.10 cloud server on (Amazon Web Service). To create an instance, we can go to the ubuntre Cloud Image Platform and choose the Ubuntu 23.10 and access it from AWS.
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